Lease Fishing Tour Operator’s Licences
Buy Managed Fishery Licences
Oceaneer Marine Brokers are experienced in selling and trading all types of Commercial Fishing Licences and generally have a list of clients waiting to buy, sell or lease.
We have been managing the purchase of Lobster Pots and all other Fishing Licences, including Snapper and Mackerel Quotas, Wet Fish Permits and Fishing Tour Operator Licences for some time.
We are able to put together “Lease Packages” that are suitable to both the “Lessor” and the “Lessee”. These packages handled with complete confidentiality and are securely leased. Most of our existing clients are long term and we revise lease agreements annually.
There can be a stack of reasons why you’re not using your commercial fishing licence …
Combined Entitlement across both permits:
Total price is dependent on total package desired by Purchaser.
Link to the Managed Fishery Plan:
To register your interest contact Oceaneer Marine Brokers.
Key Details:
This is an excellent opportunity for both established operators looking to expand or new entrants aiming to secure their position in South Australia’s managed fishery.
Please click the following link to view Managed Fishery Plan here:
This fishing license permits commercial fishing in WA waters. Specifically, this fishing license is for commercial fishing in the South Coast Line and Trap Managed Fishery (SCLT).
Commercial Fishing on the South Coast region of Western Australia has now become a Managed Fishery, meaning you need to acquire a Fishing Boat Licence (FBL), as well as this Managed Fishery Licence (MFL). The SCLT as requires an additional endorsement for trap fishing.
Register your interest with Oceaneer Marine Brokers today!
This licence entitles the licence holder to fish by means of: Haul net, Ring net, Sceine net, Hand line, Crab pots
South Coast Estuarine Management Plan:
Fishing Boat Licence available via separate negotiation.
To register your interest or to find out more, contact Oceaneer Marine Brokers today:
4T – CLF Black Jewish
263kg – CLF Golden Snapper
There is no limit on other Demersal species such as Cod, Groper, Emperors and Shark buy catch of 500kg per trip is allowed
vertical lines, cast nets, scoop nets or gaffs can be used from the high water mark out to 15 nautical miles from the low water mark
drop lines and up to 5 fish traps can be used from 2 to 15 nautical miles out from the low water mark
up to 5 hooks per vertical line and up to 40 hooks per drop line.
Fish traps can’t be used in the western zone.
You can fish along the NT coast between the high water mark and 15 nautical miles out from the low water mark. Special restrictions apply in the western zone. The western zone extends from the Western Australian border to Vashon Head on Cobourg Peninsula, in the NT.
Link to Fisheries Regulations:
Enquire today with Oceaneer Marine Brokers!
Entitles fishers to set nets targeting scalefish or squid.
Methods of fishing permitted includes haul net, gillnet and beach seine.
Target species include squid, whiting, herring, Australian salmon, pink snapper, dhufish, queen snapper and blue groper (for example).
This is a limited entry fishery.
Link to Management Plan:
Oceaneer Marine Brokers is excited to bring to the market the opportunity to purchase a Tasmanian Commercial Dive Fishing Licence!
We have 2 x Licences available as well as a Fishing Licence (Vessel) available via seperate negotiation!
The Tasmanian Commercial Dive Fishery is a multi-species fishery that authorises the commercial take of:
– Shortspined Sea Urchins “Helio” (Heliocidaris erythrogramma)
– Longspined Sea Urchins ‘Centro’ (Centrostephanus rodgersii)
– Wacy Periwinkles ‘Peri’s’ or ‘Winkles’ (Lunella undulata)
Register your interest today with Oceaneer Marine Brokers!
Oceaneer Marine Brokers brings to to market an opportunity for you to secure up to 12 x B Zone Pots!
West Coast Rock Lobster Managed Fishery Management Plan:
Register your interest today with Oceaneer Marine Brokers!
This Fishing Licence permits commercial fishing in WA waters. Specifically, this Fishing Licence is for commercial fishing in the South Coast Line and Trap Managed Fishery
Commercial Fishing on the South Coast region of Western Australia has now become a Managed Fishery, meaning you need to acquire a Fishing Boat Licence (FBL), as well as this Managed Fishery Licence (MFL). The SCLT as requires an additional endorsement for trap fishing if desired.
Please click the following link to view the Managed Fishery Plan:
Unit Entitlements:
Please click the following link to view Managed Fishery Plan:
Register your interest today with Oceaneer Marine Brokers!
FBL also available via seperate negotiation.
Entitles fishers to set nets targeting scalefish or squid.
Methods of fishing permitted includes haul net, gillnet and beach seine.
Target species include squid, whiting, herring, Australian salmon, pink snapper, dhufish, queen snapper and blue groper (for example).
This is a limited entry fishery.
Link to Management Plan:
Oceaneer Marine Brokers offer fishing package opportunity for sale:
• 2 x Managed Fishing Licences (Permits) with a total of 8
tonnes of Class A (Spanish Mackerel). Approximately 800kg of Class B (Grey Mackerel)
• 1 x FBL
Great catch history!
Link to the Managed Fishery Plan:
To register your interest contact Oceaneer Marine Brokers.
This fishing licence is for commercial fishing in the South Coast Purse Seine Limited Entry Fishery.
This is a limited entry fishery, fishing for small pelagic fish in the waters set out in the Management Plan.
Oceaneer Marine Brokers offers 20 unit entitlement for Zone 1 for sale. Link to the Managed Fishery Plan:
To register your interest or to find out more, contact Oceaneer Marine Brokers.
Matt Lovelady: +61 499 449 788
Tom Lovelady: +61 417 780 566
Lachlan Boyd: +61 428 945 211
Luke Morgan: +61 437 937 735
Office: (08) 9243 6373
This fishing licence is for commercial fishing in the South Coast Crustacean Managed Fishery (SCCL).
The South Coast Crustacean Fishery comprise four pot-based fisheries that operate from Augusta to the South Australian border. Oceaneer Marine Brokers offers 3 Unit entitlements in Zone 4 for sale.
Zone 4 - Champagne Crab Units: 3
Zone 4 - Champagne Crab Unit Value: 1.00
Zone 4 - Champagne Crab kgs of entitlement: 3.00
Zone 4 - Crystal Crab Units: 3
Zone 4 Crystal Crab Unit Value: 1.00
Zone 4 Crystal Crab kgs of entitlement: 3.00
Zone 4 - Giant Crab Units: 3
Zone 4 - Giant Crab Unit Value: 1.00
Zone 4 - Giant Crab kgs of entitlement: 3.00
Zone 4 - Southern Rock Lobster Units: 3
Zone 4 - Southern Rock Lobster Unit Value: 32.56
Zone 4 - Southern Rock Lobster kgs of entitlement: 97.68
Zone 4 - Western Rock Lobster Units: 3
Zone 4 - Western Rock Lobster Unit Value: 1.00
Zone 4 - Western Rock Lobster kgs of entitelment: 3.00
Link to the Managed Fishery Plan:
To register your interest or to find out more, contact Oceaneer Marine Brokers
Oceaneer Marine Brokers offers complete shark fishing opportunity for sale:
WCGL Permit with 840 Units
This WCGGL Licence is endorsed to authorise the holder of that Licence to fish in Western Australian waters off the West Coast between 32° 41′ south latitude and 26° south latitude using a power net drum.
Link to Interim Managed Fishery Plan:
This fishing license permits commercial fishing in WA waters. Specifically, this fishing license is for commercial fishing in the South Coast Line and Trap Managed Fishery (SCLT).
Commercial Fishing on the South Coast region of Western Australia has now become a Managed Fishery, meaning you need to acquire a Fishing Boat Licence (FBL), as well as this Managed Fishery Licence (MFL). The SCLT as requires an additional endorsement for trap fishing.
Link to Interim Managed Fishery Plan:
Coral Quota:
• Class C Coral Units: 250Kg
Please click the following link to view Managed Fishery Plan here:
Marine Aquarium Species Base Licence with the following quota:
• Class C Coral Units: 250Kg
• Class G Giant Clam Units: 200 Individual
• Class L Live Rock Units: 5,000Kg
• Class S Syngnathiformes (Seahorses) Units: 50 Individual
Please click the following link to view Managed Fishery Plan here:
FBL with Pilbara Line Access Condition No. 933
Fantastic opportunity to get your hands on an FBL with Pilbara Line Access!
The Pilbara Line Access Licence allows the licence holder to fish a 5 month block annually.
Contact Oceaneer Marine Brokers to discuss this opportunity today!
Abalone Managed Fishery Licence For Sale!
Total 900 Units available across Zones 1, 2, 5, 6 & 8.
Click the following link to view the Abalone Managed Fisher Management Plan:
➢ 1 of 3 MFLs available
➢ 1200 units in the fishery allowing 600 Crab Traps in the water
✓ Strong catch history potential
✓ Strong potential for growth in the fishery
✓ Strong potential for growth in the industry
Click on the following link to view the KRC Fishery Management Plan
Oceaneer Marine Brokers offers complete shark fishing opportunity for sale:
PACKAGE DEAL includes: Vessel + Gear + FBL + Permit + Units for Sale
This WCGL Licence is endorsed to authorise the holder of that Licence to fish in Western Australian waters off the west coast between 32° 41′ south latitude and 26° south latitude using a power net drum.
Link to Interim Managed Fishery Plan:
Package Includes:
1 x Siene Dingy custom made for Siene Fishing.
1 x Mesh Net / Crab Dingy.
25 x Crab Traps.
1 x Unique Custom made Siene Net for South Coast Harbours.
Various lengths / mesh net size of Pre Made Mesh Nets.
Various Mesh Nets – New and unmade
South Coast Estuarine Management Plan:
This fishing license permits commercial fishing in WA waters. Specifically, this fishing license is for commercial fishing in the South Coast Line and Trap Managed Fishery (SCLT).
Commercial Fishing on the South Coast region of Western Australia has now become a Managed Fishery, meaning you need to acquire a Fishing Boat Licence (FBL), as well as this Managed Fishery Licence (MFL). The SCLT as requires an additional endorsement for trap fishing.
Entitles fishers to set nets targeting scalefish or squid.
Methods of fishing permitted includes haul net, gillnet and beach seine.
Target species include squid, whiting, herring, Australian salmon, pink snapper, dhufish, queen snapper and blue groper (for example).
This is a limited entry fishery.
MANAGED FISHERY LICENCE – SCCL available FOR SALE! Zone 2: $10,000 + GST per Unit, Zone 4: $3,000 + GST per Unit
This fishing licence is for commercial fishing in the South Coast Crustacean Managed Fishery (SCCL).
The South Coast Crustacean Fishery comprise four pot-based fisheries that operate from Augusta to the South Australian border. Oceaneer Marine Brokers offers 1 Unit entitlement in Zone 2 -Albany, and 16 Units entitlements in Zone 4 – Inshore Bight Zone for sale. The Camp is available in Zone 4 by separate negotiation. Please make your enquiry.
To register your interest or to find out more, contact Oceaneer Marine Brokers.
This licence permits the taking of small pelagic fish by means of lampara nets or purse seine nets, other than
(a) white bait (Hyperlophus vittatus)
(b) blue sprat (Spratelloides robustus);
(c) sardines (Sardina pilchardus)
(d) slimy mackerel (Trachurus declivis)
Please see link to Managed Fishery Plan here:
Enquire today with Oceaneer Marine Brokers!
300 Zone 1, Class 1 Octopus Fishing Units – POA
Deal includes:
This opportunity will provide a healthy return on investment with product yield and future growth given the increasing popularity of this product.
Get in at this opportune time to fish for a species in high demand with Western Australian Octopus products gaining significant attention and demand from export markets!
Zone 3 Octopus Fishing Package – Expressions of Interest
Octopus (Interim) Managed Fishery Mangement Plan
>2000 Zone 1, Class 1 Octopus Fishing Units
Deal includes:
This opportunity will provide a healthy return on investment with product yield and future growth given the increasing popularity of this product.
Get in at this opportune time to fish for a species in high demand with Western Australian Octopus products gaining significant attention and demand from export markets!
Large volume Cockburn Sound Line + Pot Package available!
Significantly the largest holding in the industry with over 5000 units available
Cockburn Sound Line and Port Managed Fishery Management Plan:
Register your interest today with Oceaneer Marine Brokers!
Oceaneer Marine Brokers 86A Southside Drive
Hillarys Marina, Hillarys WA 6025
PO Box 2291, Marmion WA 6020
Matt Lovelady: +61 499 449 788 Tom Lovelady: +61 417 780 566 Luke Morgan: +61 437 937 735 Office Mobile: +61 428 945 211 Office: (08) 9243 6373 Email: